Integration Specialist / Consultant, Ref: 030

Role Type

Integration Specialist / Consultant

Skills / Experience

FHIR, HL7, C#, XML, Ensemble, Cache, Healthshare


From April 2025

Contract Preference


Salary / Rate Expectation



Integration Specialist / Consultant working with FHIR, HL7 and the new NHS Digital initiatives to bring healthcare and legacy systems into the 21st century.  Creating solutions using InterSystems Ensemble / Cache / Healthshare / Health Connect product suite.

A few project examples:

Integrations between Clinicom PAS, LIMS, Telepath, Mosaiq, EPRO, Windip and EPR system

Creating first of type implementations of GP Connect, Transfer of Care – eDischarge, GP Connect SendDocument

Medications system (MedChart) to provide medications / allergies to the EHR

MESH – to provide eCorrespondence messaging to GP surgeries via Keystone

Development of the Regional Patient Record to consume/provide data to the YHCR/Interweave.  PIX processing to register the patients

Azure FHIR store integration for patient data to provide to the YHCR

Integration with external sources:  Community Health, Social Care, Mental Health to supplement the EHR with patient data

Create a resilient integration estate to enable 24/7 uptime



June 2011 – Present   Working for InterSystems and latterly 2 NHS Trusts as Integration Specialist / Consultant

Aug 2002 – June 2011   Technical Leader / Product Manager – Command and control systems, GIS, Ensemble, Java, C’, SOAP, XML

Sept 2000 – April 2002   Java Consultant – Financial billing systems, Java, J2EE, Oracle, Sybase, XML

Jun 1998 – Sept 2000   Project Leader – Developed iDTV hardware and software, ANSI, C, GUI


For further information on this candidate please use reference number: 030

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01937 541888